Tuesday, September 22

Sale Update

Update, Monday Sept 28th.
Wow - we saw a lot of people this past weekend. Phyllis manned the cash register and I was busy carrying things out for people and trying to re-arrange furniture as things were sold. We loved it! Gave away a lot of coupons for discounts and gift certificates that people can use over the next 3 months.
If you haven't registered for the $100 gift certificate, make sure you do so now (see the post below). We'll draw for the winners on October 13th.

September 26 - October 10
Storewide Sale - 20 % off everything

Receive a set of Gables Coupons for great discounts
and gift certificates that you can redeem in the next few months.
(Coupons given out with in-store purchase)

September 26th
Selma Glunn was here with
her exquisite gourd art - baskets, vases and containers
that have been incised and carved, embellished with ceramics,
weaving, and beading.
Selma sold a number of pieces of her new clay-art jewelry and I'll
just bet she's working on more this week in anticipation of
this coming Saturday.

October 3rd
Artists Mary Anne and Marv Nielsen will be here with
Mary Anne's fine baskets
and Marv's great brooms and whimsical walking sticks.
Selma Glunn is here with her gourd art and her jewelry.
Sample Wild Tree gourmet foods from 10 - 3
(this stuff is tasty!)
Bonnie Kaiser will be laying out 'the spread'
in our upstairs gallery.
Read more at www.bonniek.mywildtree.com
(click on link at bottom of this page)

Check back for further developments...

Wednesday, September 2

Win a $100 Gift Certificate

Enter our email drawing
and win a $100 Gift Certificate!
10 - $20 Gift Certificates will
also be given away.

Send your name, address, and phone number
to trowbridgeb@yahoo.com
(write "Gables Drawing" in subject line)

And accept a big "Thank you" for taking the time
to look over this blog.
I owe all of you so much for your
support over the past twenty years and wish I could
send everyone a $100 gift certificate!

Welcome to The Gables

Welcome to The Gables
find us at 127 N Waupaca Street in Wautoma, WI (click on picture for map)